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Untitled (2013)

Laura Lancaster

oil on linen

The New Art Gallery Walsall

Untitled (2013)





Oil, Linen

Physical Object Description:

Expressive portrait of clown facing the viewer captured in bold brushstrokes


40 x 50 cm


Presented by the Contemporary Art Society, 2013/14

Ownership history:

Purchased from Workplace Gallery by the Contemporary Art Society, 29 October 2013; presented to The New Art Gallery Walsall, 2014

Lancaster’s paintings take as their source and subject photographs the artist finds at flea markets and in charity shops. The artist considers this process of re-using found imagery as a form of rescue, lending contextless images new life in her works. Lancaster sees photographs that were originally taken to fix a moment in time as eventually set adrift from their original context. In this process, they gain an abstract quality, disconnected from a particular meaningful context even though they are full of visual clues and information. The intention behind the snapshots Lancaster finds has become divorced from the picture’s surviving material reality.

The three works acquired for New Art Gallery Walsall exemplify Lancaster’s expressive use of paint, with which she introduces movement into the inert material with an evident enjoyment. Her works often tease at the conventions of traditional painting, in particular portraiture. Her confident handling of paint and loose brushstrokes add up to evocative portraits which sometimes recall the work of canonical British painters such as Frank Auerbach or Lucian Freud, also represented in The New Art Gallery’s collections.

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Artworks by Laura Lancaster

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